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Immunization Requirements

The State of Colorado Immunization Law (C.R.S. 25-4-901) requires all students to submit proof of immunizations. Students must submit records prior to registering for classes at UNC. Records must be uploaded into the student's admissions portal. 学生可以从博天堂官方网站进入他们的博天堂官方门户网站 "admitted students" tab at  http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/admissions/admitted-students/
Please see below for specific immunization requirements.

如果您没有您的免疫记录的副本,您的提供者可以使用该表格 请在下面填写您接种疫苗的日期(如果您有,则不需要此表格) other documents showing proof of vaccination). 

Certificate of Immunization


Option #1. “医疗或非医疗豁免证明书”可从卫生署下载 Vaccine Exemption page. 这些文件应由学生填写(如未满18岁则由家长填写) signed by their immunizing health care provider. This signed document is then uploaded into your Admissions portal. 您的豁免必须由在科罗拉多州有执照的供应商签署.

Option #2. Complete the Online Immunization Education Module.  The link can be found on the Vaccine Exemption page. The online education module is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
在模块完成后,您将获得打印或保存的选项 completion certificate. The Certificate will populate the name, date and time that 这一过程已经完成,不需要免疫保健人员的签字 care provider. When complete, upload into your Admissions portal.

To access the Vaccine Exemption page, please go to www.colorado.gov/vaccineexemption  

 Please note: 如果您申请豁免所需的免疫接种(麻疹,腮腺炎,风疹和 脑膜炎),这些疫苗可预防疾病中的任何一种都会爆发 在学校,你可能会被排除在校园和课程之外至少21年 days after the last known case. In addition tuition may not be refunded, and if you 如果你住在学生宿舍,你将被要求在你的学校找到替代的宿舍 expense.

*国际学生和研究生可以上传他们的免疫记录 by logging into the Admissions Portal.

如果您的提供者没有您的免疫记录的副本,我们建议您致电 你的高中或以前的大学(如果你是转校生或研究生) to see if they may still have a copy of your record on file. If you cannot locate records, please call our office or email debra.miller@wolaipei.com for further instructions.

Tips for Locating Immunization Records

注意:检查您的记录是否已被输入,您的注册是否已被保留 解除,登录Ursa,选择学生选项卡,然后注册状态. Check 此链接每学期之前,您的预定注册日期的任何未完成 requirements. 我们会尽最大努力尽快录入您的档案.

任何学生住在学校,必须提供免疫记录证明 在过去三年内接种覆盖全国的脑膜炎疫苗. This includes any student taking classes on-line or through Extended Campus if they are also living on campus. To live in student housing, you must meet the immunization requirements. (The ACWY meningitis vaccine is only required if living 然而,疾病控制与预防中心强烈建议所有大学生服用. See 以下是博天堂官方网站这两种脑膜炎疫苗的更多信息).


目前不需要接种COVID疫苗,但强烈建议接种. Students are not required to submit COVID vaccine documentation. 


Here's what you need to register:

  • All Students: University students born after 1957年1月1日必须出示两种MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹)疫苗的证明, 第一次给药不早于1岁生日前4天,第二次给药 second at least 28 calendar days after the first dose.  If you cannot locate MMR vaccine 记录,你可以提交血液滴度测试结果显示对麻疹,腮腺炎, and rubella. 这一要求适用于所有学生(本科生、研究生和进修生)。.

  • All students living on campus除了所有学生需要接种2支MMR疫苗外,在校学生也需要接种 必须在过去三年内接种过脑膜炎(ACWY型)疫苗(你 可谢绝脑膜炎疫苗但可被排除在校园内 the event of an outbreak).

  • 临床护理学生和临床运动训练学生: 2支MMR疫苗,3支乙型肝炎疫苗或阳性滴度,2支水痘疫苗 或在过去10年内的TDAP阳性滴度,以及最近的结核病检测.

Registering for classes

学生必须在与指导老师会面和注册之前提交记录 for classes. 你的账户会被自动冻结 class registration.  请将您的免疫记录与您的成绩单一起上传到博天堂官方门户网站 other required documents.

Please note: 如果你住在校园里,你需要接种脑膜炎疫苗 within the last three years. If you have not had this vaccine within the last three 多年来,我们在学生健康中心免费提供脑膜炎疫苗. Documentation 需要在8月搬进来之前提交这种疫苗的疫苗.

Free Meningitis Vaccine @ Student Health Center!

非常感谢塞拉利昂抗击脑膜炎组织提供这种拯救生命的疫苗 to our students, faculty, staff, and surrounding communities. For more information or to donate go to Sierra's Race Against Meningitis.

Meningitis Vaccine Information

脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎可在短短24年内导致严重疾病甚至死亡 hours and is highly contagious. College student are at highest risk for contracting Meningitis. Immunization can reduce your risk. Additional information about this disease is available online at the CDC website. 联系你的医生,确保你接种了充分的疫苗和保护.

科罗拉多州要求在过去3-5年内接种脑膜炎疫苗, for all students living in student housing. For all other University students the Meningitis vaccine is highly recommended. The required vaccine covers strains ACWY. 除了必需的疫苗外,我们强烈建议接种乙型脑膜炎疫苗 series as well. 有关学校要求和建议的更多信息 please call the Immunizations Office at 970-351-1919 or email debra.miller@wolaipei.com.

如果你是住在学生公寓的新生,你必须承认你有 received the vaccine. If you have elected not to have the vaccine, you must still 阅读并确认您了解未接种疫苗的风险,当你完成 your housing contract.

美国疾病控制与预防中心和美国大学健康协会建议使用脑膜炎增强剂 对于所有的大学生来说,如果你上次服药已经有三年或更长时间了.

Recommended Vaccines for College Students

美国大学健康协会,疾病控制中心和咨询中心 免疫做法委员会制定了一份推荐疫苗清单 for all college student. To see which vaccines are recommended for you see ACHA Recommended Vaccines for College Students.