
承包政策 & 程序

  • 什么是合同?

    A “contract” (also referred to as an “agreement”) is a written document that is intended 被法律强制执行.  虽然合同/协议可以是口头的,但联合国军司令部是被禁止的 根据财政条例,不得签订任何口头合同.  合同有明确的条款 between two or more persons or entities and includes a promise to do, or not do, something 以换取有价值的利益.


    • An Offer

    • 一个接受

    • 对价(双方所收所出的价值)
  • 什么类型的文件被认为是大学合同?
    • 支出的合同

    • 收入的合同

    • 不动产和个人财产的租赁

    • Academic and cooperative contracts (internships and affiliations)

    • 机构间和政府间合同

    • Licenses

    • Grants

    • 建筑合同

    • 个人服务合同

    • 知识产权合同

    • 谅解备忘录

    • 保密合同(也称为“NDA”)


  • UNC的合同有什么规则?

    大学合同是由 UNC的财政规则 which were adopted by the Board of Trustees in June of 2012 and became effective 2012年7月1日.  All contract terms must comply with these Rules and any applicable 联邦或州法律.

    If a contract is funded by a grant, the contract must also comply with any restrictions placed on the grant by the donor or by the state or federal governments.

  • UNC的签约程序是什么?

    All contracts, vendor proposals, or documents with terms or requiring signature, should be submitted through OnBase, the University’s Contract Management System. 

    Once the contract has been submitted through OnBase, the Contract Lead will process the contract through negotiation, seek any special additional approvals, and ensure execution. Once fully executed, a copy of the document will be returned to the Requestor.

  • 本署在订立合约过程中扮演什么角色?

    The Department Requestor makes the business decisions related to the contract. The Requestor will work with the Contract Lead to relay their objectives for the contract including: price, timeline, scope of work, and other outcomes they hope to achieve 有了合同.

    合同 should be submitted through OnBase as soon as possible in order to provide sufficient time for review, negotiation, approvals and execution.

    Forward all communication from the vendor regarding the contract to the assigned Contract Lead so that they are aware of all information relating to the contract.  这将 facilitate the most effective teamwork in the review and negotiation process.

  • 什么是采购 & 合同办公室在合同过程中的作用?

    In the event a speaker, performer, entertainment provider, or artist is brought to 校园,通常需要表演活动合同(PEC). A PEC信息 collection form is available in the 有用的链接 section below.

    In the event a service provider is brought to campus or hired to perform a service for the University (consulting, roofer, laundry equipment maintenance, search firm, soccer field aerator) a Service Agreement (SA) is usually required. SA信息 collection form is available in the 有用的链接 section below.

    通过提交 新合同申请 via OnBase, and attaching a vendor’s proposal or one of the collection forms listed above, the Lead can then review, negotiate, and/or sometimes draft all non-grant contracts 代表大学.

    This process ensures all appropriate and necessary provisions are included in the contract, the scope of work is appropriately defined, the term of the contract (the period of time the contract is in effect) is in compliance with UNC Fiscal Rules and 州法律和所有采购程序都得到了遵守.

  • 大学法律顾问在订立合约过程中扮演什么角色?

    All contracts that exceed $100,000 in expenditure or revenue require University Counsel 审查和批准(大学财务规则3).7)您的合同主管将获得的信息 代表你. 所有合同最初都应该通过OnBase路由.

  • 谁可以签合同?

    Unless an individual on campus has received a written delegation from the Chief Financial 官员(该授权必须在采购部门存档) & 合同办公室) the only individuals on campus who are authorized to sign expenditure or revenue contracts on behalf of UNC are the Associate Vice President for Administration (Blaine Nickeson) 首席财务官(戴尔·普拉特)或特定的指定人员. 

    For non-dollar, MOU agreements affecting Academic Affairs, the Provost (Kirsty Fleming) 具有签名权限. 非美元、非谅解备忘录协议(如 (如合作协议)可由院长签署.

    采购 & 合同的办公室 will facilitate obtaining the necessary signatures for all contract types received for review and processing, prior to routing for the 适当的签名.

  • 谁可以进行软件/技术或在线购买? 

    At UNC, General Counsel has determined that an online “click” or online purchase is 和签名一样. A new contract request is necessary for these types of purchases. 欲了解更多信息,请参见  UNC_Technology_采购_Rules.pdf.

  • What happens if an unauthorized person signs a contract on behalf of UNC?

    Per UNC’s Fiscal Rule, any person that signs a contract without proper authority “shall be personally liable for such act(s), and shall be liable to the University for any 大学因此而遭受的损害或损失.“UNC财政规则3.2.3

    In the event a Fiscal Rule violation occurs, a Fiscal Rule Violation Form will need to be completed by the offending individual and then processed for ratification. Forms not ratified will return the liability (financial or otherwise) to the individual.

  • What Ongoing Contract Administration is Needed After the Contract is Signed?

    As the Administrator, the components of contract administration are to:

    • Ensure the vendor and UNC are meeting the obligations outlined in the contract.  (If there are problems with contract compliance notify the 采购 & 合同的办公室 或大学法律顾问.)

    • Provide timely feedback to vendors so they have an opportunity to resolve any problems 这在合同期间可能会发生.

    • 通知采购 & 合同办公室如果需要对合同进行修改以满足要求 联合国军司令部不断/不断变化的需要.

    • Follow any close out procedures outlined in the contract upon termination of the contract.
  • 何时使用独立承包商表格

    At UNC, the 合同 Department issues Services Agreements and Performance Event 合同 when bringing anyone onto UNC’s campus, to protect students, employees, 大学作为一个机构.

    如果供应商,表演者,主讲人,艺术家等.他有W-9纳税申报表,正在领薪水 using a Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN) then 不需要独立承包商表格.

    If the W-9 reflects that the individual is being paid under a Social Security Number (SSN),则需要独立承包商表格.

    表格可于以下网址查阅: http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/purchasing/forms