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  • 74% of employers surveyed would recommend a liberal arts education to prepare for 在当今的全球经济中取得成功. 此外,四分之三的雇主希望新员工具有 the skills that the humanities teach: critical thinking, complex problem solving, 以及书面和口头交流. 1
  • A report by the Campaign for Social Science shows that “84% of social science graduates were in employment [3.(毕业后5年),而这一比例为78% STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)的毕业生. 2
  • Unemployment rates are low for liberal arts graduates and decline over time: “The 最近文科毕业生的失业率是5%.2 percent. The unemployment 拥有文科学位(41-50岁)的成年劳动者的比率为3.5 percent—just .04 percent higher than the rates for those with a professional or preprofessional degree.” 3
  • A 2010 IBM survey of CEOs names creativity, one of the central competencies taught in the humanities and social sciences, as “the most crucial factor for future success.” 4

“在苹果的基因里,光有技术是不够的. It's technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields the results that make our hearts sing."

“I’ve seen many an actuary and many an engineer who are brilliant, but they fail in their ability to communicate or commercialize an idea because they can’t relate to 和他们打交道的人. The major I’m less concerned about; it’s the set 人们在工作中所需要的技能.” 
——马克·贝托里尼,美国安泰保险公司首席执行官. (Wall Street Journal, 10 June 2013)


“Humanities graduates are more widely distributed throughout different economic sectors 比其他大多数领域的学位持有者都要多.” 5

Rawn Shah, CSO of Alynd, argues that a variety of tech fields need to hire social science graduates in order “to understand the interconnectivity of our relationship 与客户和他们互动的群体,谁,如何和为什么.” 6


84% of humanities majors are satisfied with their choice of major one year after college graduation. 7


Greater number of humanities and social science courses taken in college is correlated 公民参与的可能性更大. 8


A degree in the liberal arts prepares students not only to make a living, but also to make a life. 例如,它可以让学生准备好应对各种各样的问题 of lived experiences—work, love, death, joy, creativity, sorrow, faith, passion, pain, injustice, disagreement, conflict, intolerance, pleasure, forgiveness, ethics, values, 以及构成人类经历的无数选择. Critical thinking, communication, creative problem solving, self-expression, innovative research, and lifelong learning—all skills a liberal arts degree emphasizes—are central to a great 事业和美好的生活.

文科学位为学生的学习生涯做准备. 这是学生的资源 can draw upon across a lifespan to address human problems and enhance human potential. It is never obsolete. 它创造了促进学习生活的思维习惯 和成长,专业和个人. 它能锻炼大脑的肌肉,做好准备 it not just for specialized tasks and abilities, but also for learning itself, making 学得更快、更彻底、更持久. 它有利于独立思考, evaluating argument and evidence based not on the external authority of peers, parents, professors, or professionals, but on one’s own apprehension and creative use of information and ideas. 它是一种贯穿一生的教育,而不仅仅是 四年的大学生活. 的确,文科学位培养的技能 帮助学生面对自己和他人的人性,而不仅仅是挣薪水.

More broadly, a liberal arts education is that it makes people happier and life more enjoyable. 它帮助学生成为全面发展,有趣的人 capable of enjoying their relationships with others and with the world around them. Educational breadth frees the mind to consider and engage a broad variety of things, 培养思想和观念的开放性. 它提高了学生的能力 situate people, things, and events in a broader context, enabling students to map 研究领域、事物和思想之间的关系. 文科准备 students to understand and appreciate human ingenuity, imagination, and achievement; 它能培养一颗享受自我的心.

生活是跨学科的. The skills students need to balance their checkbooks are not the same as the skills 他们需要决定如何、何时、用什么、和谁一起花钱. Broadly, education in the liberal arts prepares students to think critically and actively about the sorts of problems and possibilities they will encounter in their lives as employees and employers, as participants in friendships, partnerships, families, and communities, 作为一个国家和世界的公民. 更广泛的知识和理解 of the world a liberal arts degree cultivates helps students engage in some of the most important issues of today: the environment, foreign policy, social justice, national and international security, ethics, indeed, all of the issues we face as humans in relationship to others. 最好的教育要求学生超越自我 experiences to see and imagine worlds different from them in time, space, and thought. Education and experience in multiple disciplines creates depth and versatility for success in a highly competitive and changing job market as well as in the essence 人类的经验——人际关系. 通过博雅教育,培养学生 培养观察人类经验的多重视角. 跨学科的研究 thinking a liberal arts education provides makes students better observers not only 不仅是博天堂官方网站现象,而且是博天堂官方网站他们观察的镜头. All knowledge 而我们对它的认知方式就会受到分析、批评和评价. Students become critical readers not only of human experience but also of the lenses through 他们自己解释或“阅读”世界吗. Examining not only what 别人看却也看 how they look at it, creates the capacity for empathy and for more effective and fulfilling 人与人之间的交流可能彼此非常不同. This, of itself, enables students to become better friends, partners, parents, citizens, and human beings. 这不正是教育的最佳用途吗?

1 "It Takes More Than a Major" (Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2013)
2 "Social Science Graduates More Likely to Get Employment than Science or Arts Graduates." (《博天堂官方网站》,2013年10月28日).
3 “New Report Documents That Liberal Arts Disciplines Prepare Graduates for Long-Term Professional Success” (Association of American Colleges and Universities, January 22, 2014)
4 “IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: Creativity Selected as Most Crucial Factor for Future (IBM博天堂官方网站稿,2010年5月18日)
5 美国艺术与科学学院2013年人文学科报告
6 《博天堂官方》(福布斯).com, 22 June 2011)
7 美国艺术与科学学院2013年人文学科报告
8 “The Missing Link: Exploring the Relationship between Higher Education and Political 《博天堂官方网站》(政治行为,2005)

Report compiled and written by Christine Talbot and Molly Desjardins, members of the Defense of the Liberal Arts Subcommittee of the 人文社会科学学院 本科生成功委员会. Published online May 2014; updated May 2016.

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