
外语M.A. -西班牙语教学重点

Salamanca, Spain

Best described as a confluence of civilization, culture, language, linguistics, literature, 和语言习得理论,外语M.A. 使教师具有深度 knowledge of all facets of the Spanish-speaking world, as well as the latest methodologies 在中学教授西班牙语.


The program is primarily a summer program, although selected courses are offered during 以补充夏季课程. 按照规定 sequence of courses, students may complete the MA in three continuous summers on the Greeley campus. The three-year cycle includes curriculum rotation featuring Spain, 拉丁美洲和墨西哥/西班牙裔美国. 夏季课程以a开始 one-week pedagogy workshop, followed by three weeks of course work covering literature, 文明/文化和高级语言主题. 遵循校内课程 sessions, course work and assignments are submitted and graded electronically.


During the Spanish Peninsular rotation, up to nine hours of course work may be completed 在西班牙萨拉曼卡的暑期留学经历中. 这些课程的学分 is treated as transfer credit from the University of Salamanca to UNC. For information about the program, please, contact The Office of Global Engagement.

Academic Year

Since ours is primarily a summer program, all students are expected to complete at least one summer session on campus as part of the MA 在UNC的经历. Occasionally, selected courses are offered 在学年期间补充夏季课程. Our MA 程序提供 a variety of student needs and options.


  • Fall and Spring Admissions: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
  • 夏季博天堂官方:4月15日截止日期


Applicants must apply to the Graduate School at the 北科罗拉多大学 before the program area reviews the applicant's request for admission. Failure to submit all required materials will delay the evaluation and screening of your application


  • Possess a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university 或者国外机构的类似学位.
  • Have a GPA of 3.00或更高(4).最近获得的学位或 当前进度.

    • If you are still completing your bachelor's degree at the time you apply, admission will be based on your current cumulative GPA, and you will need to re-submit your official transcript (showing your conferred degree and final GPA) during your first semester. 如果你的最终平均成绩低于3分.你将获得额外的学分 继续留在北卡大学的规定.

    • If you have completed a master's degree, or at least 18 credit hours towards a master's 硕士学位时,将使用硕士作品的GPA.



Complete the 在线申请 and pay the application fee (The application fee process will appear once you complete 所有申请问题并提交申请.)

  • 国内学生:申请费50美元,不予退还
  • 国际学生:申请费60美元,不予退还

2 .成绩单

Request one official transcript from any accredited college or university where a bachelor’s degree or higher was earned or is in progress (if you have earned multiple degrees, bachelor’s level or higher, an official transcript is required from each 授予学位的学院或大学). 如果你获得了 博天堂官方,你不需要要求博天堂官方的成绩单. 研究生院 & International Admissions Office reserves the right to request that applicants provide official transcripts 根据需要从其他学院或大学. 申请人已获得或直接 pursuing a higher degree from an accredited institution without receiving a bachelor’s degree (i.e. PharmD) may be eligible to apply to the Graduate School without the conferral 学士学位的.


  • If an applicant intends to use Veteran’s Education Benefits, an official transcript 来自所有学院或大学 attended will be required in order to maintain compliance with Veteran’s Affairs policies.
  • Per program requirements, some programs may require that official transcripts from 每所学院或大学 attended 提交入学考虑. 目前,申请者有以下几种 programs must list all colleges or universities attended and provide official transcripts for each:  

    • 生物医学硕士
    • 体育与运动科学-生物力学重点(硕士.S. and Ph.D.)

美国大学官方成绩单.S. 院校应直接邮寄 the educational institution in an unopened, sealed envelope or through an electronically 来自发行机构的安全数字程序.

Campus Box 135
501 20th Street
格里利,CO 80639

U电子成绩单.S. 应由院校直接送教育 institution to: grad.applicationmaterials@wolaipei.com.

The 研究生院和国际博天堂官方 does not accept email, scanned or PDF成绩单直接来自申请人. 所有正式成绩单,作为一部分提交 of the application process, are retained by UNC and not returned to applicants or 被录取的学生.

UNC retains submitted transcripts, from institutions other than UNC, for admitted students for up to five years after graduation or date of last attendance at UNC. Transcripts provided by applicants who were not admitted, denied admissions or did 未完成的申请将在一(1)年后销毁. 研究生院 will make every attempt to use previously-submitted transcripts if they are within these timeframes. However, if the Graduate School cannot locate previously submitted transcripts, the transcripts fall outside the timeframes listed above, or they are 由于字迹不清,申请人必须提供新的成绩单.

具有美国以外学历的申请人.S. 将需要遵循的 提交外国成绩单的要求. Click on the Transcripts tab for information about international transcripts.


您需要重新登录到 网上申请系统, scroll down and click on "Submit Supplemental Items" to do the following:

  1. Request three letters of recommendation (click on "start" to initiate each recommendation request).


  • 要求具有西班牙语学士学位.
  • 请注意,这个项目主要是一个夏季项目. 秋季课程则不是。 offered. All students are expected to complete at least one summer session on campus as part of the M.A. 在UNC的经历. 偶尔也会提供精选课程 在学年期间补充夏季课程. Our M.A. 程序提供 满足学生的各种需求和选择.
  • 学生不受连续注册政策的约束.

Once you apply to the UNC Graduate School and your application packet is complete, your application will be reviewed by the Graduate School and then sent to the faculty/program 对于录取决定. 录取决定的时间取决于每个人 项目的截止日期和审查过程.


国际申请者(非美国.S. citizen/non-U.S. 永久居民)请参考 to the 国际入学要求 page for further information about submitting transcripts, English proficiency scores, 护照复印件和财务证明文件.

For more information about the admission process, please email the Graduate School at grad.school@wolaipei.com,或致电970-351-2831.

申请教师执照的学生须知: This MA program does not grant a teaching license, so students seeking initial teaching licensure are advised to do an undergraduate BA in Spanish Teaching at UNC. Those with a BA in Spanish Liberal Arts who seek licensure are advised to enter the UNC post-bac program in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences.

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