
Tax Assistance for 国际 Students and Scholars

As an international student or scholar in the United States, it’s important that you understand the tax requirements of your visa and your filing obligations with the 美国国税局(国税局).

All F- and J- status visitors must file tax forms if they were in the United States 在上一历年期间.   If you arrived for the first time in F or J status 之前 January 1, of a given year you are required to file at least one tax form in that year, and your dependents must also file forms independently. 前5年 of your F- status and first 2 years of J- status, you generally remain a "nonresident 就税务而言." If you did not work or receive any income in the US during the previous year, and you are a non-resident 就税务而言, you are legally obliged 将 8843年形成.  If you worked or received a stipend, grant, scholarship covering more than just tuition, or allowance in the USA (over a certain amount) you must also 将 1040 - nr形式 or 1040 - nr ez.  

If you have been here in more than 5 consecutive calendar years in F status or more than 2 years in J- status, you may have become a "resident 就税务而言" -- even if you are still in F or J status for immigration purposes. 如果你是居民 就税务而言, you are taxed on your world-wide income, and file your tax forms the same way an American citizen or legal permanent resident would.

While there are many tax forms you can complete and file yourself, the 全球参与办公室 has arranged free access to 税务准备, which will guide you through the tax preparation process, prepare the necessary documents and even check if you are due a refund.  它也可以引导你通过 State of Colorado tax process for an additional fee.

Sprintax is used by more than a hundred thousand international students and scholars each year, and the average Federal refund received by eligible students is over $1,000.


  1. 注册 按照简单的说明去做
  2. 完成在线问卷
  3. Enter the unique code in the box on the ‘查看您的订单”页面. Please contact  UNC 国际 Student & 学者服务,如果你需要 UNC spring代码. 
  4. Sprintax将为您准备纳税申报表.
  5. Print, sign, and mail the required documents.  Be sure to keep a copy for your records.


If you have any questions, please use the live chat function on Sprintax and their 团队会很乐意提供帮助.

Taxable non-service scholarships and Student Employees

Athletes and other students with taxable scholarships or fellowships (those that include living expenses and require no work activities), who have no other employment in the U.S., and students who have on campus employment should complete their Sprintax微积分 profile as soon as the link is sent each year.  有工作的学生会 need to update their SSN 信息 in Calculus when available.  这样做的学生 not have employment but do have taxable scholarships must work with 国际空间站 to apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) as early as possible (ideally 在秋季学期).  ITINs are required for tax reporting on those scholarships. 

Students who apply later may wish to visit an ITIN Acceptance Agent with their completed, signed tax return documents (之前 mailing to the 国税局), so that they do not have to send original passports and other documents to the 国税局 with their applications.  美国国税局有一个 list of legitimate ITIN Acceptance Agents , and you should only work with one of these authorized companies.  ITIN接受 Agent can help authenticate copies of documents that can then be attached to your 当你把纳税申报表寄给国税局时.  Please carefully investigate the fees of an agent you are considering using – they may range from less than $25 to several 几百美元.

You do not need an ITIN if you have a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN), or are eligible for an SSN or if you are only required to file 国税局 8843年形成.


The 信息 contained 在此 is provided as a service to the international students, faculty, staff, employees and/or administrators of the 北科罗拉多大学, and does not constitute legal advice on any immigration, tax or other matter. 作为法定 advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, nothing provided 在此 should be used as a substitute for the advice of legal counsel or qualified tax professional. 北科罗拉多大学是 not responsible for the results obtained from the use of any 信息 provided 在此.