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Syllabus Statements

所有大学教学大纲的最低要求见董事会政策2-3-501. To ensure accurate and consistent messaging about UNC policies and student-support 服务,教师鼓励使用在这个页面上找到的声明,或简单地 include the link to this page on their syllabi and course websites.  To recommend 修改声明或获取更多信息,请与提供的办公室联系 it. Offices that wish to provide additional recommended statements may send them to cetl@wolaipei.com.


Disability Resources

创造包容性是北科罗拉多大学的政策和实践 learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course 对学生的融入或对学生的准确评估存在障碍。 achievement (e.g. inaccessible web content, use of videos without captions), students should communicate about these aspects with their instructor(s).

此外,如果你有暂时的健康状况或永久性残疾 需要住宿,请尽快联系残疾人资源中心(DRC). DRC facilitates the interactive process that establishes reasonable accommodations.


学生可以在这里了解更多信息: sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/disability-resource-center

Title IX / Equal Opportunity

The 北科罗拉多大学 is committed to providing a safe and inclusive 为所有学生提供不受歧视和骚扰的学习环境; 包括性骚扰,性侵犯,家庭暴力,约会暴力,还有 stalking. Students who have experienced (or who know someone who has experienced) 这些担忧中的任何一个都应该知道,他们并不孤单. UNC has staff members in the University’s 机构公平与合规办公室 (OIEC),他们受过培训,能够帮助学生解决这些问题 提供校内和校外的资源和支持,转介健康和咨询 services, academic and housing modifications, and mutual no-contact orders between individuals.

Please be aware all UNC instructors and most staff members are required to report 他们对性行为不端行为的认识.  这意味着如果学生说 一个博天堂官方网站性骚扰,性侵犯,约会的讲师 暴力,家庭暴力或跟踪,教师必须分享这些信息 与Title IX协调员和公平官员,博士. Matt Ricke. Dr. Ricke or a trained OIEC的工作人员将与报告的学生联系,让他们了解资源 以及博天堂官方的支持服务,以及他们进行调查的选择 OIEC,执法部门,或者两者兼而有之. 经历过这类事件的学生 are not required to speak with OIEC staff regarding the incident. Students’ participation 在OIEC过程中是完全自愿的.

如果学生不希望通知第九条协调员,而不是披露这一点 向讲师提供信息时,学生可私下与以下人员交谈 校园里和社区里的人. 他们可以帮你联系支持服务 并帮助探索现在或未来的选择. 博天堂官方有秘密的受害者辩护律师 提供24/7电话-学生可以联系 性侵幸存者倡导项目 (ASAP) at 970-351-1490 to seek confidential guidance and support.


性侵幸存者倡导计划(ASAP) Office Located: 2nd floor of Cassidy Hall  
Office Phone: 970-351-1490
Web: wolaipei.com/asap    

Hours: M-F, 9am-5pm
Email: advocacy@wolaipei.com

UNC Counseling Center 
Office Located: 2nd floor of Cassidy Hall
Office Phone: 970-351-2496

Web: wolaipei.com/counseling-center

Psychological Services
Office Phone: 970-351-1645
Web: http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/cebs/psychological-services-clinic/

Hours: By Appointment
Email: ppsy.clinic@wolaipei.com

*Staff members at confidential campus resources are not required to automatically 向大学报告性暴力或关系/约会暴力或跟踪事件. 保密是有限制的,在与工作人员交谈之前,这些例外情况将 be outlined.

Students who have experienced sexual or interpersonal violence, who are concerned about someone who has, who would like to learn more about sexual or interpersonal 暴力事件,或希望报告事件的人,可以访问 sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/sexual-misconduct.  学生也可以通过970-351-4899或电子邮件联系OIEC titleix@wolaipei.com


Academic Integrity

Students are expected to practice academic honesty in every aspect of this course.  从事学术不端行为的学生将面临评分后果 博天堂官方网站本课程和/或大学纪律处分程序,通过学生 Conduct and Accountability. 更多博天堂官方网站学术不端行为的信息 can be found in UNC’s Student Code of Conduct (BEAR Code).


学生应定期上课. 每个指导员决定了这种关系 between class attendance, the objectives of the class, and students’ grades. Instructors 是否负责阐明学校的出勤政策及其对成绩的影响 to students. Students are responsible for knowing the attendance policy of each course. 只有教师才能批准学生的缺勤. 学生负责申请 such approval. In an effort to create inclusive learning environments, instructors should not require doctors’ notes to determine whether or not to excuse an absence.

Center for Career Readiness

欢迎到我们的职业准备中心来讨论简历,求职信, 面试,职业/专业探索,找工作/实习,找研究生, and everything else career.

了解更多博天堂官方网站学生的信息 resources, or to schedule an appointment, visit the website: sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/career/students or for student events, visit: sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/career/events.

We are located:
Office: University Center 1st floor
Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm


Equity and Inclusion

北科罗拉多大学(UNC)拥有多元化的学生,教师, and staff. UNC honors the inherent dignity of each individual, and welcomes their 独特的视角、行为和世界观. 所有种族、宗教、国籍的人 出身,性取向,种族,性别和性别认同,认知, physical, and behavioral abilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, regions, immigrant 强烈鼓励身份,军人或退伍军人身份,大小和/或形状 分享他们丰富的观点和经验. Course content and campus 讨论将提高你对他人的个人和交叉身份的认识. 有关信息或资源,请联系多元化,公平和包容司, at 970-351-1944. If students want to report an incident related to identity-based 歧视/骚扰,请访问 sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/institutional-equity-compliance.

此外,校园里还有几个文化和资源中心 are equipped and designed to serve as caring and thoughtful centers for students, staff and faculty. 你可以在下面找到他们的信息:

Asian Pacific American Student Services (Cultural Center)
924 20th St
Greeley, CO 80639
(970) 351-1909

Cesar Chavez Cultural Center & 梦想家参与计划(文化中心)
1410 20th St
Greeley, CO 80639
(970) 351-2424

妇女与性别平等中心(资源中心) & 史崔克领导力学院
1915 10th Ave
Greeley, CO 80639

2215 10th Ave., Campus Box 42
Greeley, CO 80631

Marcus Garvey文化中心(文化中心)
928 20th St., Campus Box 41
Greeley, CO 80639
(970) 351-2351

924 20th St
Greeley, CO 80639
(970) 351-1909

1815 8th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631

Food Insecurity

了解到大学生中食物不安全的比例更高, UNC offers assistance to students facing food insecurity through an on-campus food pantry. The Bear Pantry is located in University Center 2166A and is open for regular 整个学期的学时.  Please visit sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/bear-pantry for more information.

Land Acknowledgment

北科罗拉多大学位于尤特人的领地, 夏安族,拉科塔族和阿拉帕霍族. 大学承认48个部落 历史上和科罗拉多州有联系吗. 因此,联合国军司令部所在的土地 is tied to the history and culture of our native and indigenous peoples. UNC appreciates 这种联系和对这片土地的极大尊重. 此外,大学 社区对过去、现在和未来的长者,以及那些曾经的长者表示尊敬 世世代代管理这片土地.

As part of the learning and reflection process please visit http://native-land.ca/ or call the Office of Equity & Inclusion at 970-351-1944.


Some students may have changed their names to better reflect their gender identity or for other reasons. The process to request that the University change the name that appears on Canvas and on the course roster is available here: http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/registrar/name-change.aspx

Student Well-Being

学生们经常会遇到让他们难以应对挑战的压力源 在他们的过程中——压力因素,比如睡眠问题、经济问题、关系问题, employment difficulties, feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, or depression.  

      • 如果你在这门课上遇到困难,请在办公时间来找我或联系我 me via e-mail.  
      • 如果你不知道该去哪里找 website UNC的学生外展和支持(SOS)办公室列出了各种各样的资源 for students. Case Managers in the SOS office can assist students during difficult circumstances which may include medical, mental health, personal or family crisis, and illness or injury.  
      • Mental health professionals are available for free, confidential consultations in the Counseling Center. 要访问咨询中心的工作人员, 拨打970-351-2496或在卡西迪大厅二楼的中心停下来.  如果你在下班后遇到了危机,打电话给咨询中心并按下博天堂官方网站 与危机咨询师联系.  

Tutorial Services

请考虑在你的教学大纲中包括一份博天堂官方服务的声明,以鼓励 您的学生可以利用辅导服务提供的学术支持. 下面是一些示例语句供您使用:


博天堂官方的辅导服务(TS)为注册的博天堂官方学生提供免费的学术支持 in undergraduate courses. At TS, a trained peer tutor will work with you individually 或者在一个小组中帮助你理解课程内容并取得成功 class. For more information or to make an appointment, stop by TS in the lower level (L-149),或浏览科技处网页 http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/tutoring.


This course is supported by Supplemental Instruction (SI), through which a trained SI领导每周将提供三次1- 2小时的学习时间来复习课程内容。 完成与本课程相关的问题或活动,并帮助你准备 exams. 我强烈建议你参加SI. 有关的更多信息 SI模型,请访问TS网站 http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/tutoring.

University Libraries

大学图书馆有空间和资源, and support you need to help you achieve your academic goals. Visit us at Michener Library, on west campus, or at Skinner Music Library, on central campus. Check out 我们提供的所有资源,从学术期刊数据库和流媒体到 笔记本电脑和解剖模型,在我们的网站上 http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/library/. 需要专家的研究帮助? Ask a librarian. 我们提供多种方式获得 in touch: http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/library/research-help/. 

Writing Center

Strong writers seek feedback.  
The UNC Writing Center is here to connect you with that feedback. Writing Center Consultants 是否像我们一样,来自不同专业和背景的感兴趣的读者 准备好谈谈你的写作计划了. 咨询师接受过写作方面的培训 所有类型,所有学科,所有层次. 我们欢迎所有的会议,无论是 you’re just getting started or are ready to hand in your final draft. You’re the content expert; we’re the writing experts. Let’s work together!

Schedule your in-person, video, or email session today by visiting: http://sacajaweaes.wolaipei.com/writing-center


Attention students: the following statements are provided to help faculty communicate their policies regarding generative AI, whose use might or might not be appropriate depending on the academic discipline and teaching methods their course uses.  Make sure to check 每个类的特定策略.


Sample: AI Writing tools are not permitted for any stage of work in this class. If you use 这些工具,你的行为会被认为是学术上的不诚实和违规 布莱恩特的学术诚信政策. (from Bryant University)

Sample: Intellectual honesty is vital to an academic community and for my fair evaluation of your work. All work submitted in this course must be your own, completed in accordance 遵守学校的学术规章制度. 您不得参与未经授权的合作 或使用ChatGPT或其他人工智能作曲软件. (from Princeton University)


Sample: 在本课程中会有一些情况和语境要求你使用 探索如何使用人工智能工具. 在这些情况之外,你就是 不鼓励使用人工智能工具生成内容(文本、视频、音频、图像) will end up in any student work (assignments, activities, responses, etc) that is 这是本课程评估的一部分. 使用人工智能工具提交的任何学生作业 should clearly indicate what work is the student’s work and what part is generated by the AI. In such cases, no more than 25% of the student work should be generated by AI. If any part of this is confusing or uncertain, please reach out to me for a 提交作品前的对话. (来自科罗拉多大学系统)


Sample: AI Writing tools such as ChatGPT are welcome in this class, provided that you cite 何时以及如何使用该工具. 你将会得到如何引用你的文章的例子 在写作中使用这个工具. (from Bryant University)

Sample: In all academic work, the ideas and contributions of others must be appropriately acknowledged and work that is presented as original must be, in fact, original. Using 一个人工智能内容生成器(如ChatGPT)来完成课程作业,而没有适当的归属 或者授权是学术不诚实的一种形式. 如果你不确定是否 something may be plagiarism or academic dishonesty, please contact your instructor to discuss the issue. (from University of Iowa)