

With its long history of 老师 education, the 北科罗拉多大学 is highly regarded for its teaching philosophy 和 outst和ing graduates. 当你选择 UNC’s Early Childhood Teacher Education program, you are choosing a program that offers small class sizes, passionate faculty 和 hours of field 和 教室 experience. The Early Childhood Teacher Education Program also offers a minor in early 童年 for students outside the College of Education (such as pediatricians, nurses 和 speech pathologists) who seek a career working with children 和 families.

Led by dedicated early 童年 professors who are actively involved in teaching 和 research, you’ll develop a range of specialized skills to work with children from 出生到8岁. 您将受益于广泛的实地学习机会 that provide valuable 教室 experience in both birth-5 和 K-3 settings.

Small class sizes 和 many opportunities to volunteer in schools 和 communities (such 作为课后辅导和我们的 “不浪费食物”计划) allow you to deepen your education 和 develop professional relationships for future 成功.


The Early Childhood Teacher Education degree offers two options: an emphasis in Teacher Education or Liberal 艺术 depending on your interests 和 career goals. 请注意, 在科罗拉多州, students can take the PRAXIS 老师 certification exam 和 have their licensure 扩展到包括四年级,五年级和六年级. 我们也提供这个项目 通过丹佛城市教育中心.

Early Childhood Teacher Education Degree with Director Qualification 和 Ages Birth - 8 license

The Teacher Education emphasis includes methods courses focused on K-3 teaching 和 一个学期的学生教学经验. 这个选项是理想的学生谁 wish to pursue a license to teach children in K-3 教室s in elementary schools.


The licensure program is also available as an online degree completion program.


幼儿教育 Liberal 艺术 Concentration Degree with Director Qualification

我想和五岁以下的孩子一起工作? 而不是去上方法课 student teaching in your senior year, the Liberal 艺术 emphasis includes other electives that will prepare you to teach children birth to age five in a variety of settings.



Interested in gaining specialized training 和 experience in urban school districts?  All Center students spend their mornings in a 教室 老师 apprenticeship position -全部四年. Students receive pay as well as college credit for this experience. That means you will be part of the school environment as working, contributing staff 在你们完成大学学业期间成为会员.  你的导师是一位退休人员 master 老师 who offers guidance 和 support for the 教室 apprenticeship experience.




Whether you’re an elementary education major or you’re majoring in nursing or psychology, UNC’s Early Childhood Minor provides options 和 coursework that gives you the opportunity 关注幼儿的发展. 你将完成18个学分 taking Nutrition, Health 和 安全, Child Development in Context (0-8 years), Family Diversity 和 Involvement 幼儿教育, 教双语幼儿 和 Language 和 Literacy Development of Preschool 和 Elementary School Children.



“My job is exciting 和 full of surprise 和 I have never felt as though I was not 准备我的第一次教学经历. 再次感谢你的UNC程序和制作 我的梦想终于实现了. 我自己带大了孩子,还拿到了副学士学位 但我不认为我能继续在公立学校当老师. 从目标出发 来到博天堂官方并获得学位确实改变和祝福了我的生活!”


“幼儿教育项目为我的教学做了很好的准备. 从一开始 of my teaching kindergarten, I felt at home 和 like I had been doing this every day 我的生活.”


“Having a Bachelor’s Degree in 幼儿教育 has created many opportunities 对我来说. I can teach birth to third grade 和 know that my degree makes me a very effective 老师.”

——我们的, 2013年毕业,蒙台梭利教师


Our program promotes an inclusive approach to early 童年 education, emphasizing 文化敏感性和多样性. 课程也提供了坚实的基础 儿童发展与儿童文学.

考虑UNC的 B.A. 幼儿教育,如果你:

  • Wish to work as a K-3 or preschool 教室 老师 or as a child care 老师 or 中心主任
  • Are interested in working as an in-home licensed childcare provider 
  • 希望成为幼儿课程专家
  • 寻求有密切教师指导的小班授课
  • 你有兴趣在研究生院继续深造吗


  • Principles of child development 和 learning, 和 elementary teaching
  • To lead educational change, drawing from research-based projects, units 和 integrated 作业和活动
  • To use innovative tools 和 methodologies for 成功 as an educator
  • Skills for a strong background in diversity 和 child development through research-based coursework 和 h和s-on 经历 in childcare centers 和 elementary school 教室s


  • 婴幼儿理论与实践
  • 儿童指导策略
  • 教双语幼儿
  • 课程开发:方法与技巧
  • 家庭多样性与幼儿教育参与
  • 幼儿时期的创造性表达和游戏
  • 学校项目 


跟随科罗拉多州最好的老师的脚步. 博天堂官方教师排名第五 在美国的毕业生候选人.S.超过一半的教育工作者接受了培训 在科罗拉多州. 

You’ll benefit from seamless collaboration with Aims 和 other Colorado community 大学. Real-world experience deepens your preparation with continuous 教室 经历. In community college classes, you’ll be in 教室s with children birth 到5岁. UNC classes include 经历 in school 教室s with children ages 5 ~ 8. Your last semester is a full time student teaching experience in a K-3 教室.


When you graduate, you’ll be prepared for a variety of school settings including public schools, childcare programs 和 home-based programs, with expertise in early 童年 课程. Many of our graduates work in preschools, kindergarten 和 early 童年 centers, while others choose to go on to graduate school to pursue an advanced degree.

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