

    Two graduating 高年级学生被提名为2024-25富布赖特大学的半决赛选手.S. 学生 Program, one of the most prestigious international academic exchange programs in the 世界.

    The 北科罗拉多大学 (UNC) is thrilled to announce that two graduating 高年级学生被提名为2024-25富布赖特大学的半决赛选手.S. 学生项目. 赞助 由美国.S. 美国国务院 富布赖特U.S. 学生项目 is considered one of the most prestigious international academic exchange programs 在这个世界上.  

    In partnership with 140 countries around the globe, the Fulbright Program provides opportunities for graduating seniors, graduate students and young professionals to expand their perspectives through academic, professional and cross-cultural advancement. 





    This year’s semifinalists are seniors Pennie尼科尔, an 环境al 可持续性 major and 詹娜Mischke, an Elementary 教育 major with a bilingual/bicultural 背书. 两人都以英语助教的身份申请了这个项目 Cambodia where she hoped to spend her free time doing nonprofit work in the field 以及阿根廷的米斯克.  

    While both students recently learned that they weren’t selected as finalists, their achievement in being named as semifinalists is something to be celebrated. 

    “The Fulbright program receives thousands of applications from students all over the 地理学教授、富布赖特的导师凯伦·巴顿说. “事实是 Pennie and Jenna were named as semifinalists means that Fulbright considers them worthy 获得这个奖项,他们只是没有足够的空间.” 

    Dating back to the 1970s, UNC has had seven students who received Fulbright awards. The most recent being Kristine Marie Bell, ‘19, a History major who earned an English 2019- 2020年赴德国的富布赖特助教奖学金. Destri约翰逊, ‘22, a Recreation Tourism and Hospitality major and current processing specialist in UNC’s Office of 博天堂官方, was named a semifinalist in the 2021-22 cycle.  

    Nichol and Mischke were part of an inaugural Fulbright cohort at UNC, an effort Barton 该项目于2023年秋季推出,此前她被评为该校“最优秀的学生”之一。 多样性,公平和包容(DEI)研究员 in 2022. Her goal is to create a pipeline program at UNC for underrepresented students to participate in Fulbright scholarship programs, which aligns with the one of the university’s strategic 目标 to “create plans, structures and programs that foster an inclusive environment where all individuals feel welcomed and supported.” 

    “我认为 there are a lot of good reasons for incorporating DEI into higher education,” 巴顿说. “它培养了一种归属感,提高了创新和创造力 for institutions, but most importantly, it builds cultural awareness for everyone.” 

    According to Barton, the top producing institutions for student Fulbright awards have traditionally been well-resourced schools, many of which are private or Ivy League 大学. 但作为一个获得过11次富布赖特奖的人,他曾经是第一代富布赖特奖获得者 student waiting tables to make it through college, Barton says it’s a tradition that 她正在努力打破. 

    “I believe in equity, and more specifically, inter-institutional equity,” she explained. “Our students deserve the same opportunities as undergraduates as those at other 大学.  A Fulbright scholarship can open doors for students seeking careers in international research, policy or education, while giving them confidence to achieve their career 目标. ” 

    As part of the Fulbright cohort, Nichol and Mischke went through the extensive application 在巴顿的指导和指导下. 每人必须写三篇短文 essays, answer supplementary questions and contact people for recommendations. 

    “说实话,我不知道毕业后想做什么. 我知道我想要 to travel and experience as many things and cultures as I could,” Nichol said. “富布赖特 seemed like a great opportunity to provide a cultural connection and a place to become 出现并生活在另一个国家. 这似乎是一个绝佳的机会.”  

    While Nichol wasn’t chosen as a finalist, she was selected as an alternate, meaning that if someone declines their scholarship or more funds become available, she will 能够去. 

    Mischke had to go the extra mile in her application by having a language professor 评估她的西班牙语熟练程度. 

    “I will say that if you consider doing it, start the process now because it is a very time-consuming process and you don't want to be scrambling at the end,” Mischke said. “花点时间(在夏天)调整你的申请. 相信我!” 

    Inspired and excited by the fact that both Nichol and Mischke were named semifinalists as first-time applicants, Barton is continuing her Fulbright cohort program with support from the Office of Academic Affairs and the DEI program under the guidance of janine weaver-douglas*, interim executive director of UNC’s Division of Diversity, Equity 和包容.  

    "It's pretty standard for applicants who get this far to win on their second attempt, 所以我鼓励他们不要放弃。”巴顿说道.

    学生s interested in learning more or applying to the program are encouraged to 联系巴顿: 凯伦.barton@wolaipei.com. The application deadline for students interested in applying for a 2025-26 Fulbright 奖励是十月. 8. 资格要求可在 富布赖特U.S. 学生计划网站. 

    “As a first-generation student, I think that [Fulbright] provided a pathway for me to have experiences that without it, I wouldn’t be able to do,” Nichol said. “我认为 it’s a great opportunity for students to travel and become immersed in other cultures.” 

     *janine weaver-douglas要求大家认识她的名字 通过使用小写字母. 
